Vehicle 2021 Mack Anthem Anthem Truck White Prime Mover
Body Colour White
Gearbox Automatic
Transmission Automatic
Odometer 755,936 kms
StockNo M516

Dealer Summary

Comments from the Dealer

Mack Anthem Prime Mover: 2021 Compliance, 755,736km, 9,948Hrs, Mack MP8 535Hp, 13 Speed M Drive Transmission, 8 Bag Airbag Suspension, Volvo Diffs at 3.09 ratio, Jost JSK37 50mm Turntable, 36 inch High Rise Sleeper, Alloy Bumper Bar, Custom Air Diesel Bunk Cooler, TV, Under Bunk Fridge, 2x LED Spotlights, 1x LED Lightbar, Lubecore Autogreaser, 27,600 GVM, 70,000kg GCM.
Truck was on Contract Maintenance.
Sold with a Qld RWC
$190,000 Incl GST

Mack Anthem Prime Mover: 2021 Compliance, 755,736km, 9,948Hrs, Mack MP8 535Hp, 13 Speed M Drive Transmission, 8 Bag Airbag Suspension, Volvo Diffs at 3.09 ratio, Jost JSK37 50mm Turntable, 36 inch High Rise Sleeper, Alloy Bumper Bar, Custom Air Diesel Bunk Cooler, TV, Under Bunk Fridge, 2x LED Spotlights, 1x LED Lightbar, Lubecore Autogreaser, 27,600 GVM, 70,000kg GCM.
Truck was on Contract Maintenance.
Sold with a Qld RWC
$190,000 Incl GST

Western Truck Group

373 Anzac Avenue Harristown QLD 4350

(07) 3171 1027